Barbara: Complete Series 2

Developed from a pilot screening in ITV’s 1995 Comedy Firsts season, this acclaimed sitcom cast Gwen Taylor as Barbara Liversidge, a blunt-talking, heftily opinionated, advice-giving, occasionally ranting Yorkshirewoman. Sam Kelly (Porridge) stars as Ted, Barbara’s cab-driver husband of 35 years and a man who learned long ago to play second fiddle, while Sherrie Hewson (Coronation Street) is her nouveau-riche sister, Jean – the victim of many a withering look and practised put-down. Mark Gatiss (The League of Gentlemen), Joanna Van Gyseghem (Duty Free), Helen Atkinson-Wood (Blackadder), Jean Alexander and Roy Barraclough (Coronation Street), and singer and actress Julie Driscoll also appear in this second series, originally screened in 2000 and 2001.

Prijs: €9.49

EAN: 5027626340940

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Barbara: Complete Series 2 € 9.49

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Developed from a pilot screening in ITV’s 1995 Comedy Firsts season, this acclaimed sitcom cast Gwen Taylor as Barbara Liversidge, a blunt-talking, heftily opinionated, advice-giving, occasionally ranting Yorkshirewoman. Sam Kelly (Porridge) stars as Ted, Barbara’s cab-driver husband of 35 years and a man who learned long ago to play second fiddle, while Sherrie Hewson (Coronation Street) is her nouveau-riche sister, Jean – the victim of many a withering look and practised put-down. Mark Gatiss (The League of Gentlemen), Joanna Van Gyseghem (Duty Free), Helen Atkinson-Wood (Blackadder), Jean Alexander and Roy Barraclough (Coronation Street), and singer and actress Julie Driscoll also appear in this second series, originally screened in 2000 and 2001.

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