
An intimate portrait of a Mexican family struggling to stay together despite mounting debt, dwindling audiences and a simmering family conflict that threatens this once vibrant family tradition. Set within a century-old traveling circus, CIRCO follows Tino, the ringmaster, driven by his dream to lead his parents’ circus to success, who corrals the energy of his whole family, including his four young children, towards this singular goal.

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An intimate portrait of a Mexican family struggling to stay together despite mounting debt, dwindling audiences and a simmering family conflict that threatens this once vibrant family tradition. Set within a century-old traveling circus, CIRCO follows Tino, the ringmaster, driven by his dream to lead his parents’ circus to success, who corrals the energy of his whole family, including his four young children, towards this singular goal. But his wife Ivonne is determined to make a change; feeling exploited by her in-laws, she longs to return to her kids a childhood lost to labouring in the circus.Special Features:Making of film with Aaron SchockMaking of Score with CalexicoTrailer

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