Set in England and France, Floodtide is an intelligent, action-filled drama following the trail of international cocaine smuggling, revealing the devastating consequences for those caught in its reach and focusing on one man's attempt to take on the ruthless kingpin of a European cartel. Written by famed Sweeney and Professionals scriptwriter Roger Marshall, this acclaimed series was originally screened in 1987 and 1988. The complete series is released here for the first time in DVD format.When cabinet minister Exton Waite dies after snorting lethally contaminated cocaine, his daughter, Tessa, seeks out their former family doctor, Ramsey, in France; he returns with her to England to try to discover the facts about her father's death. But his investigations bring him into contact with one of the most powerful drug cartels in Europe, headed by the brutal and elusive Lambert - and as those close to Ramsey become the victims of the deadly trade, his search for the truth becomes a desperate private quest.