Shadow Squad

A highly successful crime show from the late 1950s, Shadow Squad initially featured the adventures of Detective Vic Steele who, tired of being boxed in by rules and regulations, quit his job to form his own detective agency with the help of crafty Cockney Ginger Smart and their stalwart cleaning lady, Mrs. Steele subsequently disappeared on a mission to Australia and the running of the Squad was then taken up by ex-DI Don Carter.

Prijs: €8.49

EAN: 5027626349745

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Shadow Squad € 8.49

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Webwinkel Product Beschrijving
A highly successful crime show from the late 1950s, Shadow Squad initially featured the adventures of Detective Vic Steele who, tired of being boxed in by rules and regulations, quit his job to form his own detective agency with the help of crafty Cockney Ginger Smart and their stalwart cleaning lady, Mrs. Moggs. Steele subsequently disappeared on a mission to Australia and the running of the Squad was then taken up by ex-DI Don Carter.

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