This fondly remembered family series from Tyne Tees follows the adventures of J.G., Ian, Gog, Baz and Sam - teenagers on a paper round for their local newsagent, Jack Crawford. Retired policeman Jack always tells the lads (and lass) to keep their eyes open as they go about their rounds; as a result they often discover the news, as well as deliver it!Filmed among the terraced streets of Gateshead and featuring humorous, exciting scripts - several garnering a Writer's Guild Award (Best Children's Writer) for playwright and screenwriter William Corlett - The Paper Lads ran for two series and this set contains all 14 episodes.
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This fondly remembered family series from Tyne Tees follows the adventures of J.G., Ian, Gog, Baz and Sam - teenagers on a paper round for their local newsagent, Jack Crawford. Retired policeman Jack always tells the lads (and lass) to keep their eyes open as they go about their rounds; as a result they often discover the news, as well as deliver it!Filmed among the terraced streets of Gateshead and featuring humorous, exciting scripts - several garnering a Writer's Guild Award (Best Children's Writer) for playwright and screenwriter William Corlett - The Paper Lads ran for two series and this set contains all 14 episodes. |