The Stolen Assignment

Directed by future Hammer stalwart Terence Fisher, this entertaining, light-hearted crime thriller centres around the adventures of sleuthing reporters Mike Billings (John Bentley) and Jenny Drew (Hy Hazell) as they try to unravel the alibi of a suspected murderer... Stolen Assignment is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.Henry Crossley is an artist whose wife is spending a week's holiday with her aunt. It seems that Henry was fully occupied at the time his wife went missing; but is his alibi completely truthful?

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The Stolen Assignment € 11.99

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Directed by future Hammer stalwart Terence Fisher, this entertaining, light-hearted crime thriller centres around the adventures of sleuthing reporters Mike Billings (John Bentley) and Jenny Drew (Hy Hazell) as they try to unravel the alibi of a suspected murderer... Stolen Assignment is presented here in a brand-new transfer from the original film elements in its as-exhibited theatrical aspect ratio.Henry Crossley is an artist whose wife is spending a week's holiday with her aunt. But when her aunt comes to see him, worried because her niece has not arrived, a police investigation into her disappearance begins. It seems that Henry was fully occupied at the time his wife went missing; but is his alibi completely truthful?

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