Each has been sent here to purge sins of the past, adhering to a strict regime under the watchful eye of a female caretaker. This fragile stability is disrupted by the arrival of a newly disgraced companion – bringing with him a past they thought they had left behind...In this multi-award-winning feature, Oscar-nominated director Pablo Larrain explores the lives of priests who have been disgraced for crimes both proven and suspected, and the moral impasse of the Catholic Church, which must both contain and protect them. Featuring compelling performances from Alfredo Castro, Roberto Farias and Antonia Zegers, this is an unflinching yet compassionate portrayal of an ordered world unexpectedly under siege.Special Features:Pablo Larrain InterviewOriginal Theatrical Trailer
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Four ageing men live together in a secluded house on a windswept Chilean coastline. Each has been sent here to purge sins of the past, adhering to a strict regime under the watchful eye of a female caretaker. This fragile stability is disrupted by the arrival of a newly disgraced companion – bringing with him a past they thought they had left behind...In this multi-award-winning feature, Oscar-nominated director Pablo Larrain explores the lives of priests who have been disgraced for crimes both proven and suspected, and the moral impasse of the Catholic Church, which must both contain and protect them. Featuring compelling performances from Alfredo Castro, Roberto Farias and Antonia Zegers, this is an unflinching yet compassionate portrayal of an ordered world unexpectedly under siege.Special Features:Pablo Larrain InterviewOriginal Theatrical Trailer |